Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Prop 8. vote love or vote... hate???

This is an article that was recently posted by the company I formally worked for.

While I respect everyone's right to an opinion I do wish to clarify a position I feel strongly about. I feel that I represent the majority of the people who voted for proposition 8 which states that marriage should only be between and man and a woman. I voted for this with much consideration and an enormous amount of empathy for those who it would affect the most. I can honestly say I was not happy when the proposition passed as I knew how many people would be heart-broken and made to feel that they were still not accepted in the community. I "hate" that this caused so much pain.

To say- "vote love not hate" is simply wrong. There is not an ounce of hate in my heart for the gay and lesbians, and I wish they could understand this. This statement is too black and white. Sure, unfortunately there are some who do hate.. and I shame them. They make the rest of us look ignorant and awful. I truly believe they are the minority and that the rest of us voted for something we felt was right for ourselves and for our families.

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